Posts in Writing Hacks
How to Set and Achieve Joyful Writing Goals with ICPCS: REVOLUTION [Podcast]

Welcome to the final episode of the Joyful Writing Goals series! In this episode, we’re bringing it ALL together! If you’ve struggled with consistently starting and finishing creative stories, showing up courageously for your work, using the ICPCS framework is a model you can put on repeat so creative writing feels joyful, automatic, and you eventually have a thick portfolio of finished stories you’re proud of. Putting this process on repeat keeps that wheel spinning, and what do we call a wheel that keeps spinning? A revolution. ICPCS is your key to creating a revolution in your creative writing life.

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How to Set and Achieve Joyful Writing Goals with ICPCS: SUSTENANCE [Podcast]

For today’s episode, we’re diving in to the fifth and final section of the Wheel of Joyful Writing Goals framework: Sustenance. This part of the wheel is all about making your journey as smooth, joyful, and sustainable as possible. I like to think of it like this: if you were dropped into the middle of the woods with nothing but the clothes on your back, theoretically, with the right knowledge, you could survive. You could look for clean water, create a fire by rubbing together sticks or rocks, and build a rustic shelter. But unless you’re IN to that kinda extreme survival lifestyle like Bear Grylls or Survivor Man, you’re probably not gonna have a great time enjoying the wilderness or the journey to getting back home. Sustenance is all the tools in your backpack you use on your journey to make it ease-ful, joyful, and sustainable. Imagine getting dropped in the woods but now you have a compass, a satellite phone, a water purifier, fire starters, plenty of food, and an all-weather tent. That journey is going to be much more joyful, sustainable, and you’ll be able to focus on the process of getting home vs. survival. So when I talk about Sustenance in relation to your writing practice, I’m talking about any and all ways that can support you on your journey so it feels less like you’re running away from a hungry bear and more like you’re on a fun, exuberant hike.

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How to Set and Achieve Joyful Writing Goals with ICPCS: COMPASSION [Podcast]

For today’s episode, we’re diving in to the fourth section of the Joyful Writing Goals framework: Compassion. This part of the wheel is arguably the most important. Honestly, if you went all in on Self-Compassion in your writing life, the other parts of the wheel would eventually follow and fall into place. Compassion reduces friction in the Wheel of Joyful Writing Goals so that cruel inner critic doesn’t throw off your writing momentum.

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How to Set and Achieve Joyful Writing Goals with ICPCS: PRESENCE [Podcast]

For today’s episode, we’re diving in to the third section of the Joyful Writing Goals framework: Presence. This part of the Wheel will help you stop procrastinating from writing by making your goals “real,” which helps you become a more consistent and motivated writer. Presence is all about keeping your writing intentions front and center. Presence is about being grateful for the journey you’re on and noting how far you’ve come instead of getting deflated by how far you have to go.

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How to Set and Achieve Joyful Writing Goals with ICPCS: CLEAR VISION [Podcast]

In this episode in the Joyful Writing Goals series, we’re diving in to the second section of the framework: Clear vision. This part of the Wheel will help you make bold and liberating decisions on what creative writing projects you’re going to work on. We’ll also talk about defining what “done” looks like so you don’t get stuck in a perfectionism cycle of editing and revising until you’ve been working on the story for 30+ years. 

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How to Set and Achieve Joyful Writing Goals with ICPCS: IDENTITY [Podcast]

Welcome to Episode 2 in the Joyful Writing Goals Series! For today’s episode, we’re diving in to the first section of the framework: Identity. This part of the Wheel will help you redefine your definition of a “Real Writer” so it feels empowering instead of deflating. I’ll share how stepping into the identity of a “Real Writer” requires shifting from a viscous identity cycle into a vivacious identity cycle, so your belief in your creativity literally feeds off itself! We’ll also talk about how to integrate the identity of a creative writer into your daily life (and every part of your being) in just five minutes per day.

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How to Read Like a Writer & Become a Powerful Storyteller

I want to talk to you about a critical skill that gets overlooked by most aspiring writers. And if you’re not doing this regularly, it doesn’t really matter how much you write.

If you don’t cultivate this skill, your writing will most likely stagnate, and no matter how many words and hours and years you put into your story, you may never hook readers or catch the attention of agents or editors.

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How to Choose the Perfect Time to Write & Stick with It

As a writing coach, I get asked about time & consistency a lot. Here are two questions I received just last week from writing students:

  • “How do you designate time to write and keep that same writing time?”

  • “How do you maintain a consistent writing practice?”

Here’s a short training addressing those questions with simple, practical solutions:

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How to Deal With Rejection in Writing: It's Just Math

You can't set an electrifying writing goal if you're scared pantsless by rejection.

Can you relate? You want to sink your pen into a new story or essay, but what if...

  • You're rejected with a form letter: "Sorry, your work isn't for us. Good luck." Ugh, the worst.

  • You publish to the sorrowful sound of crickets. 🦗

  • You publish and readers hate it. They send you hate mail and call your work "A blazing dumpster fire of horrendous writing!" 🔥

When you're in a "what if?!" rejection spiral, it's easier to crawl under your down comforter and spend the rest of 2019 in the fetal position than set a writing goal.

Tame your Fear of Rejection Monster before you set any writing intentions for the New Year. 👹

Here are 3 truth nuggets that will help you move through the fear of rejection so you can publish proudly in 2020:

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How to Get Over Perfectionism Without Writing Crap

My dad is visiting from Florida this month, and like many handy fathers, generously spends his time fixing things around the house.

One of his projects was to fix the door leading into the garage. The seal was falling off and the door wasn’t shutting properly, which was a big PITA.

So Dad got to work. After an hour or so of banging, clanking, and scraping, I heard the door shut smoothly, followed by a long sigh and this nugget-of-wisdom:

“Still sucks. But it’s better than it was.”

I burst out laughing. Like many fathers, my dad is notorious for zingers. This one struck me as particularly relevant to writers and artists.

To me, the mantra of “Still sucks. But it’s better” is a snappy equivalent to the popular credo of “Done is better than perfect.”

Plus, it acknowledges the inevitable reality that for many artists, we’re never really satisfied with our work. But at least it’s better.

Writers: We don’t have to be paralyzed by perfection and we don’t have to sacrifice quality in our writing.

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How to Jump-Start a Writing Habit in 60 Seconds

Creative work requires risk. It requires vulnerability. It requires an unmooring of epic proportions. It requires dancing with the lightest of light and the darkest of dark.

This is why great writers cling to grounding habits because ritual provides certainty and a refuge from the uncharted space of creation. Writers cling to ritual so they can show up to the page with courage… where the most intense nightmares and fantasies come alive.

As Flannery O’Connor said, “Routine is a condition of survival.”

If you’re ready to start showing up for your creative work, ready to create a consistent writing routine that overcomes procrastination and helps you finish projects, here’s a simple way to make your writing habit stick in 60-seconds.

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A Deceptively Easy Trick for Writers to Stop Procrastinating

This morning was rough.

Actually, it started off beautifully. My morning self-care routine is solid these days. My magical morning of journaling, meditation, affirmations, and a long sunrise walk is the bedrock on which I build a life of meaning.

I’m aware that’s an obnoxious #humblebrag, but this routine was hard won. It took over three years to craft into an automatic ritual. Yeah, the “28 days” theory is total caca.

Most days, my morning routine sets me up nicely for a few hours of solid writing. I feel focused, calm, and ready to face the blank page with courage.

Today, however, was rough. For no particular reason other than it’s Friday, and my energy reserves are on E after a long week.

I sat down at my dedicated writing time at 8 a.m. and opened a blank Google doc. Instead of typing, guess what I did?

Yup, opened Facebook in a new tab. 🙄

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The Lit-Up Writer’s Guide to Mega-WOW Writing Goals

If fear is clogging up the street to finishing writing projects and reaching our wildest dreams, how do we move through it? First, we tap into our creative writing skills. Make the general  👉specific. We do that through two types of goals that work in synchronicity: SMART and Stretch Goals. We’ll start with Stretch Goals. This will make you uncomfortable. Good. Let’s go!

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This Sneaky Writing Myth Is Blocking Your Next Big Project

Has this happened to you?

You’re journaling, reading, or cooking, and suddenly… BAM! It hits you.

A flash of brilliance. A blessing from the muse. It’s an idea for your next writing project!

You sit at your desk with tea steeped and writing playlist queued. You open Google Docs to a blank page. As suddenly as the inspiration hit, these thoughts slide into your head: Has somebody else written this before?!

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How to Overcome Energy Vampires: The Spookiest Stumbling Block for Writers

Energy vampires are activities and people that suck the life outta you. They drain your energy. Instead of feeding on your blood, energy vampires live on a diet of glucose. Glucose is fuel the brain and body uses for energy. It’s our gasoline. Decision-making, good and bad stress, deep focus, and other mentally or emotionally taxing activities deplete the brain’s fuel.

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How to Overcome Writer’s Block and Burnout

Recently, I watched an interview with Roxane Gay where she was asked if she’s experienced writer’s block. She responded, “Yes, I’ve been having writer’s block for two years now. I can write through it, but it’s shitty writing. It’s hard.” This incredible writer, who has inspired millions, writes through writer's block, and has produced a lot in the last two years, including her best selling memoir, Hunger.

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1 Simple Thing You Can Do Today To Help Your Writing Practice

One reason it’s hard to get “butts in the chair” and “just write” is because, unless we have a solid routine in place, we must choose to write. Decision making eats up precious glucose in the brain. Each decision you make throughout the day is a deposit from your willpower bank account. Habits remove decision making from the equation.

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